Our past does not have to define us.

For some of us, that is easier said than done.

It can seem especially difficult to let go of your past if you were constantly picked on or mocked for your shortcomings.

Case in point, no one ever mistook me for a jock when I was in school.

I was the uncoordinated kid standing in the outfield who got a busted and bloody nose when the ball hit me in the face.

I was the short 98-pound tackling dummy who got nailed hard by the 300+ pound kid who forgot we were playing tag football.

I was the guy who baffled Americans who thought all Canadian kids played ice hockey.

If you spend more time on the ground than you do upright when you don a pair of ice skates, you can basically kiss any potential career in the NHL goodbye.

I was always the last one picked when two other students were asked to pick teams.

Shall I say more?

So when I trained to run a half-marathon in 2012, I should not have been surprised by any doubts from family members or loved ones who knew my prior history.

I also had to confront my most menacing and cruel critic.

The critic who constantly reminded me of my horrendous past in the world of athletics.

I had to confront MYSELF.

I had to constantly remind myself that I was no longer that awkward kid.

I could do whatever I put my mind to.

I was the master of my destiny.

I was the author of my own story, and it was time for a plot twist.

When I finished the run, I was exhausted and heavily in need of hydration. I guzzled down a carton of milk.

At that very moment, while the race had ended, my story was being rewritten.

I learned to spend more time watching the game film and less time on the blooper reel.

I learned not to give up the pen to my critics.

I am the narrator, and how I tell my story is way more important than what actually happened to me.

Leaders learn to rewrite their stories so they can inspire others to do the same.

Are you ready to rewrite your story?

Have you taken authority over your narrative, or do your critics have control of the pen?

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